Trials in Tainted Space Wiki (2024)

Trials in Tainted Space has a number of SSTDs that Captain Steele can catch. Whenever your character has sex with an infected individual there is a small chance they gain the hidden status Undetected "SSTD". After a while this then becomes a visible status informing the character of which SSTD they have. Captain Steel can not pass any caught SSTDs onto other characters. To remove the SSTD they need to speak with either V-KO, Vi, or Dr. Lash. For 10,000 credits Dr. Lash can provide an immunity to SSTDs.


  • 1 Taint
  • 2 Codex Entries
  • 3 Carriers
    • 3.1 Mhen'ga
    • 3.2 Tarkus
    • 3.3 Myrellion
    • 3.4 Uveto
    • 3.5 Zheng Shi
    • 3.6 Dhaal
  • 4 Furpies
    • 4.1 Furpies Codex Entry
    • 4.2 Furpies Simplex C
    • 4.3 Furpies Simplex D
    • 4.4 Furpies Simplex H
    • 4.5 Physical Transformations from Furpies
  • 5 Locofever
    • 5.1 Locofever Codex Entry
  • 6 Sneezing tit*
    • 6.1 Sneezing tit* Codex Entry
  • 7 Cooties
  • 8 Notes


Taint, instead of a specific strain of an SSTD, is the damage done to DNA.Taint is gained by using illegal, unsafe drugs/chemicals or being transformed by eating alien foods, and some other encounters or actions. Only known method of lowering Taint is not inducing more Taint- it will go down by 1 point every 72 hours that more taint is not gained.Taint is tied closely to Libido, number of taint points resulting in the minimum of Libido. at 100 Taint, Taint will be locked, and max Libido will be doubled.

Codex Entries

Codex Entries can be unlocked by either catching the SSTD or by donating 50 credits to V-KO



SSTD chance

  • 2% (1/50) chance of transmitting Furpies
  • 3.33% (1/30) chance of transmitting Sneezing tit*
  • 5% (1/20) chance of transmitting Cooties
    • if it is april fools
    • and they have a vagin*.


  • Dane
  • Kerokoras
  • Naleen Female
  • Naleen Male
  • Naleen Mating Ball
  • Nine-tailed Zil
  • Vanae Huntress
  • Zil Male (includes the two Zil Penny has in jail.)
  • Zil Female
  • Zil Hornet
  • Zil Hoverfly
  • Zil Tribe
  • RK Lah


SSTD chance

  • 2% (1/50) chance of transmitting Furpies
  • 3.33% (1/30) chance of transmitting Sneezing tit*
  • 5% (1/20) chance of transmitting Cooties
    • if it is april fools
    • and they have a vagin*.
  • 3.33% (1/30) chance of transmitting Locofever.
    • Carrier is a raskvel


  • Captain Khorgan
  • Kaska
  • Female Lapinara
  • Raskvel Female
  • Raskvel Male
  • Sydian Female
  • Sydian Male


SSTD chance

  • 2% (1/50) chance of transmitting Furpies
  • 3.33% (1/30) chance of transmitting Sneezing tit*
  • 5% (1/20) chance of transmitting Cooties
    • if it is april fools
    • and they have a vagin*.


  • Bothrioc Pidemme
  • Gold Myr Deserter
  • Red Myr Deserter
  • Myr Infected Female
  • Nyrean Huntress (both varieties)
  • Nyrean Praetorian
  • Queen of the Deep
  • Red Myr Guard
  • Wetraxxel Brawler


SSTD chance

  • 2% (1/50) chance of transmitting Furpies
  • 3.33% (1/30) chance of transmitting Sneezing tit*
  • 5% (1/20) chance of transmitting Cooties
    • if it is april fools
    • and they have a vagin*.


  • Frosty
  • Korgonne Barbarian Female
  • Korgonne Raider Male
  • Milodan Infiltrator
  • Milodan Male (includes group encounter)
  • Milodan Priestess
  • Milodan Temptress
  • Milodan War Alpha
  • Milodan War Lion

Zheng Shi

SSTD chance

  • 2.5% (1/40) chance of transmitting Furpies
  • 3.33% (1/30) chance of transmitting Sneezing tit*
  • 5% (1/20) chance of transmitting Cooties
    • if it is april fools
    • and they have a vagin*.


  • Bored Jumper
  • Corona Flamer
  • Cyberpunk Security Operatives
  • Shock Hopper
  • Slyveren Slavebreaker


SSTD chance

  • There is currently no SSTD for Dhaal
  • Milk Thief


Furpies Codex Entry

Furpies is not a naturally occurring disease. Rather, it is a carefully engineered pathogen created by the infamous Doctor Badger in response to what she describes as “fursecution” in her 1,300 page manifesto. She initially infected a small group of not-so-willing volunteers on [REDACTED], but it was not identified for six more months thanks to its insidious design.

This strange disease was carefully engineered to appear asymptomatic in most of its hosts. Thousands were infected before the first symptoms were identified, and millions more had this pernicious plague before the scientific community could even begin to pin down its unnatural biology. It spread like wildfire through the core for nearly two years before countermeasures were devised. Hundreds of billions had been infected, with billions more ready to fall victim to it with the coming of the rush.

Furpies is an ongoing public health crisis on the frontier, though many core planets have succeeded in wiping it out at great cost. The ausar in particular stamped it out quite quickly.

How Furpies is Spread

Furpies is transmitted through almost any bodily fluid, including saliva, sem*n, blood, vagin*l secretions, anal secretions, milk, and similar protein-based secretions. Genderless beings as well as those with full-body fur are curiously immune to infection, though almost any other species can fall prey to its terrifying effects. It is even known to bypass most commercial immune system enhancements.

As always, the Galactic Health Ministry recommends abstaining from sex with unfamiliar partners or usage of prophylactic devices to prevent the spread of disease (and minimize mess!)

Asymptomatic Carriers

In most hosts, Furpies lies dormant, transforming its infected host into an inadvertent seeder. This was thought a blessing at first, but examination of the disease’s genetic code has revealed that it is simply biding its time. A biological clock built into the virus itself will count down over five to ten years, then switch Furpies to an active state.

This is alluded to in Doctor Badger’s manifesto as “The Furpocalypse.”

If strong steps to eradicate Furpies are not taken, the galaxy may become a lot furrier in the years to come, something some species would welcome with open arms - and others would violently protest.

Symptoms and Effects

  • 2 Days: Temporary genital swelling - this is thought to be the beginning of Furpies’ attempts to increase sexual drive.
  • 2-4 Days: Increased attraction to other furry species. This typically manifests as a sort of fetish for soft fur. Patients report this to be particularly pleasant.
  • 5-6 Days: Growth of animal ears. Furpies Simplex H, C, and D are the main variants, each one tied to a different animal species. Victims with Furpies H gain the features of a horse, while C and D refer to cats and dogs.
  • 7-9 Days: Genital transformation. Some patients have declined cures for the disease until after this stage of infection, citing the pleasure of attaining animal genitalia. This is not recommended.
  • 8-10 Days: Limbs transform into a hybridization of human and animal features. Luckily Furpies is carefully engineered to momentarily sever nervous connections with the legs and arms to prevent any pain.
  • 9 Days: Animal tail growth.
  • 10-11 Days: Full body fur. Heat-sensitive races must be careful if they reach this stage, as the extra insulation makes them vulnerable to heat stroke.
  • 12-14 Days: Animal-like face. This is the final transformation that the disease will wreak on its hosts, though it remains in the body for long after.

Furpies remains active in the host’s body indefinitely, making them more susceptible to sexual advances of other furry individuals, and more sexually active in general. Among infected, sexual intercourse occurs roughly 400% more often than galactic norms.

Doctor Badger

The U.G.C. is aggressively looking for any sign of the disease’s creator in hopes of finding an effective, easy-to-produce cure. She is considered armed and extremely dangerous. Please call your local Peacekeeper office if you have any information on Doctor Badger’s whereabouts, and DO NOT APPROACH HER PERSONALLY.

Created by Dr. Badger to be spread extensively. 95% of all infections are asymptomatic, effectively creating “seeders” who don’t know what they’re doing to their partners. Dormant infections activate after a period of five to ten years with the planned goal of creating the “furpocalypse". Virtually eliminated in the core, absolutely rampant on new rush worlds. Can only be contracted if Captain Steele has no fur and has a penis and/or vagin*. There is a (1/3) chance of it becoming each variant C (Cat), D (Dog), and H (Horse). The simplex is determined on the third day of infection.

Furpies Simplex C

Furpies Simplex C, an artificial pathogen developed by Dr. Badger. Symptoms include: arousal, persistent arousal, growth of body hair, reduced inhibitions, transformation of genitalia, and acquisition of feline features.

Furpies Simplex D

Furpies Simplex D, an artificial pathogen developed by Dr. Badger. Symptoms include: arousal, persistent arousal, growth of body hair, reduced inhibitions, transformation of genitalia, and acquisition of canine features.

Furpies Simplex H

Furpies Simplex H, an artificial pathogen developed by Dr. Badger. Symptoms include: arousal, persistent arousal, growth of body hair, reduced inhibitions, transformation of genitalia, and acquisition of equine features.

Physical Transformations from Furpies


Temporary genital swelling.


Increased attraction to other furry species.


Growth of animal ears.


Genital transformation.


Limbs transform.


Animal tail growth.


Full body fur.


Animal-like face.


Locofever Codex Entry

An ever-present danger of planet rushes is the intermingling of spaceborne illnesses with indigenous lifeforms and the mutations that can result. In the case of the junk planet Tarkus, it was the mingling of a simple fever brought by one of the rushers with the breeding-driven biology of the local raskvel that brought about locofever.

The locofever virus attacks the brain and reproductive organs, causing the production of hormones that produce an estrus-like response in the infectee akin to the natural state of raskvel. The desire to breed becomes overwhelming, while pleasure from masturbation is sharply reduced to further encourage the infectee to have sex as often as possible.

A typical host is capable of fighting off the infection within one to two weeks. Most publicly available immune boosters are able to prevent the spread of the infection, which has prevented locofever from becoming an epidemic, but curing the illness requires direct medical treatment or letting it run its course.

Locofever is believed to still be uncommon among raskvel, though the exact numbers of infected are difficult to determine both because of raskvel breeding habits and because the species is asymptomatic. Aside from them it is most commonly found among younger ausar, who have been known to deliberately infect themselves with locofever as a form of recreational drug and cultural rebellion.

An SSTD that puts Captain Steel in heat/rut. Exclusivly obtained from Raskvel Female and Raskvel Male encounters. PCs with a co*ck are put in rut for the duration. PCs with a vagin* are put in heat for the duration. PCs with both get both at once. Neuters are immune to the disease. Masturbation, including shower masturbation, does not reduce lust for the duration.

Time InfectedLocofever effects
0 HoursYou feel a little warmer
12 HoursYou feel hot
24 HoursPC affected by heat/rut
7-14 daysLocofever removed

Sneezing tit*

Sneezing tit* Codex Entry

The mammovirus (more commonly known as the ‘Sneezing tit*’) is a viral infectious agent known to affect a significant number of mammalian species. While it is both acquired and passed in a similar faction to the rhinovirus (more commonly known as the common cold) and causes many of the same effects, its additional effect of causing spontaneous mammary gland enlargement led to its unique classification.

Because its initial symptoms are no different from the common cold, most who carry the mammovirus are unaware of it until they sneeze. The virus causes each sneeze to accelerate the growth of the infected’s mammary tissue. While the growth is usually to small degrees, a single cup size in standard measurement, growth of as much as four cup sizes has been observed.

The origins of the mammovirus are unknown. Rumors trace it back to an abandoned Xenogen Biotech project, an inhalable mammary-enlarging fluid that was intended to compete with the Boobswell pads. Xenogen Biotech listed this product among other items for upcoming release, but never became available to the public. The first known case of the mammovirus was recorded several months later, leading to rumors that the two were related. Xenogen Biotech has not commented on the matter.

Due to the mammovirus’s effects, reaction to it varies greatly. Those who do not want the additional mammary growth often seek to cure any cold they get as quickly as possible, while those who desire the effect will seek to induce sneezes. In some communities, those who are known to be infected visit and attempt to infect those who desire the additional mammary growth.

When Steele is affected with Sneezing tit*, there’s a small (1/100) chance for them to sneeze every time they move on the map. Every time they sneeze, their boobs will go up by at least one cup size. This will continue until the disease goes away, Steele gets the disease cured, or Steele reaches the maximum possible boob size. It lasts for 4-7 days. When its duration is over, Steele will automatically have one sneeze for a single cup size of growth.

It is contracted rarely in combat with an NPC who is infected. Infected NPCs will show cold like symptoms in the combat messages. If Steele has sex with an infected NPC after combat, there’s a 50-75% chance of getting the disease, possibly modified by the type of sex. If Steele selects [Wait] twice in battle, this will lead to the NPC sneezing on them, which has a 100% chance of Steele getting the infection. This will only occur once per combat.

Interacts with Dumbf*ck so that each org*sm will trigger a sneeze.


Alert! Infection detected! Preliminary scans identify a variant of Cooties in your bloodstream, a virulent sexually transmitted disease. Your enhanced immune system should prevent contagious infection, but removal will require the assistance of a medical installation.

Symptoms include: arousal, itchy genital region, bitchiness, spontaneous vagin*l growth, and queefing. Cooties usually runs its course in approximately three days. <Prompt treatment is recommended to avoid unwanted transformations.

Can create a vagin*.

Can puff up an existing vagin*.

Can proc an additional Sneezing tit* attack if infected with both at the same time and a all vagin*s are puffed up to their maximum value of 2.


Trials in Tainted Space Wiki (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.