Learn English Speaking & Grammar like Natives with PhraseMix (2024)

LessonsYou hung up on me!

“You hung up on me!”

You were talking to your sister on the phone. The call suddenly ended. You think it was an accident, but when you call your sister back you want to joke with her, so you say this.

You hung up on me!

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Learn English Speaking & Grammar like Natives with PhraseMix (1)

(someone) hung up on (someone)

When you finish a telephone conversation, you "hang up" the phone. Originally, people used to actually hang the earpiece of the phone when they were finished. We still say "hang up" today, even though you're usually just pushing a button.

To "hang up on" someone means to suddenly stop the call while they are talking. People usually do this because they're angry. It's rude to hang up on someone.

In the example above, the speaker says that her sister "hung up on" her as a joke. Actually, the telephone probably got disconnected, or maybe her sister hung up accidentally.

Learn English Speaking & Grammar like Natives with PhraseMix (2024)


What is phrasemix? ›

Phrasemix is an excellent website for learning useful English phrases. We're not talking phrasebookish phrases like "Where is the toilet?", but real phrases that people actually use everyday.

How to speak English like a pro? ›

Regardless of your level, here's how to speak English better in 10 easy steps:
  1. Imitate away. ...
  2. Avoid learning word by word. ...
  3. Use what you've learned immediately. ...
  4. Be an actor. ...
  5. Listen to others as much as you speak. ...
  6. Listen to yourself and get feedback from native speakers. ...
  7. Become visual. ...
  8. Narrate your life.

How to learn English speaking? ›

How to improve your spoken English: 8 tips
  1. Speak, speak, speak. Let's start right off by saying that there isn't a magic pill for better speaking. ...
  2. Reflect on your conversations. ...
  3. Listen and read. ...
  4. Prepare cheat sheets. ...
  5. Pick up the phone. ...
  6. Record your voice. ...
  7. Learn phrases rather than single words. ...
  8. Have fun.

How to speak English like a native? ›

How to speak English like a native speaker
  1. Listen more carefully. Speaking more fluently actually starts with improving your listening skills. ...
  2. Use idioms. ...
  3. Get to grips with slang. ...
  4. Improve your pace and clarity. ...
  5. Talk with a native speaker.

How to improve English quickly? ›

  1. Introduction.
  2. Watch movies in English.
  3. Immerse yourself in English language news.
  4. Start a vocabulary book of useful words.
  5. Have conversations in English.
  6. Practice, practice, practice.
  7. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat.
  8. Don't forget to have fun while you learn.

How to learn English speaking fluently at home for free? ›

10 Top tips for learning English at home
  1. Surround yourself with English. You don't need to be in an English-speaking country to surround yourself with English. ...
  2. Make English friends. ...
  3. Find study partners. ...
  4. Use authentic materials. ...
  5. Get online. ...
  6. Set yourself realistic goals. ...
  7. Listen to real English. ...
  8. Find fun ways to learn new words.

How do I improve my English grammar? ›

Six tips for how to improve your English grammar.
  1. Do grammar exercises.
  2. Look things up.
  3. Use the grammar you know.
  4. Notice correct grammar.
  5. Learn the grammar of words.
  6. Read a lot.

How to learn English step by step free? ›

How to learn English step-by-step OR your quickest way to fluency
  1. Start speaking as soon as possible.
  2. Start reading.
  3. Make yourself accountable.
  4. Set more useful targets than “I will become fluent”
  5. Keep your personal goal in mind.
  6. Try flashcards to boost your vocabulary.
  7. Learn whole sentences.
  8. Sing along.

How to speak English fluently in 10 days step by step? ›

How to speak English fluently – 10 key steps
  1. Use idioms. Using idioms is a hallmark of fluency and a sign that you understand and appreciate the more 'poetic' side of the language. ...
  2. Use the right idioms. ...
  3. Work on your words. ...
  4. Learn in chunks. ...
  5. Pick a dialect (or not) ...
  6. Know the culture. ...
  7. Master slang. ...
  8. Binge some shows.

How to speak better and clear? ›

Here are some steps you can use to learn how to be well-spoken:
  1. Record yourself speaking. ...
  2. Monitor your breathing. ...
  3. Keep track of your speed. ...
  4. Consider your tone and volume. ...
  5. Be mindful of filler words. ...
  6. Listen to others. ...
  7. Practice public speaking. ...
  8. Engage in positive self-talk.
Feb 12, 2024

How can I speak English more professionally? ›

Practice speaking slowly and clearly, enunciating your words, and using appropriate vocabulary for the professional context. By avoiding slang and informal language, you will sound more professional, articulate, and competent, enhancing your overall communication skills in the workplace.

How can I speak English attractively? ›

How to improve English-speaking fluency: 12 expert tips
  1. Start speaking English as much as possible. ...
  2. Start speaking English with a personal tutor. ...
  3. Expose yourself to English every day. ...
  4. Make the most of technology. ...
  5. Use resources made for your level. ...
  6. Work on your pronunciation. ...
  7. Learn whole phrases, not just individual words.

How can I make my English spoken good? ›

Change Google Assistant's language
  1. On your mobile device, open the Google Home app .
  2. Tap Settings. Google Assistant. Manage all Assistant settings.
  3. Tap Languages. Choose languages for speaking to your Assistant. Select the current language set.
  4. Choose from the list of available languages.

How can I improve my English pro? ›

Improve 4 English words every morning

Every morning think of four words in your language that you don't know in English and write them down in a notebook. Even before you grab your cup of coffee, use a dictionary or the Internet to look up the meaning of the English words. These will be your vocabulary for the day.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.