From Jinchuriki to Speedster - Chapter 55 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2024)

Chapter Text

Nora was sitting on a hill overlooking Central City, Naruto walked up and she looked up to him as he sat beside her,

"Hell of a way to break the news." Naruto said

"I'm so sor-."

"Don't apologize." Naruto shook his head, "I get it."

"You do?" Nora asked surprised

"People I thought I could trust lied to my face as well." Naruto said looking to Nora,

"But you still want me to apologize." Nora said

"You can't blame someone for what they might do. The conversation you and your mother need to have will happen, I will insure that." Naruto frowned, "I don't agree with your powers being suppressed and I'm especially not okay with her keeping you in the dark about me, some things yes but not everything."


"The life of Naruto Uzumaki is not a pretty one. I've had more tragedy in my life than moments where I felt at peace."

'Tell me, please. I can take it." Nora said

Naruto looked at her for a minute and held up his hand before purple lighting appeared, "This is the Sage force, it focuses on Mental abilities. Touch it."

Nora reached forward and hesitated for a moment before touching the lightning

Nora watched as her surroundings changed, and saw she was in a room but she could only see Naruto everything was cloaked in darkness, "This is the night my life went to sh*t." He said before the room lighted up and the screams of Kushina was heard as Nora saw her Obaa-chan giving birth as her Jiji tried to keep the nine tails in the seal,

Nora watched the night of Naruto's birth and was horrified witnessing their deaths, followed by the years of isolation and abuse her father suffered before he was tortured to be a killer for the village before he was placed in the Academy and made fun of for being an orphan, she watched as Hiruzen and Jiraiya lied to his face until the day they died


Iris was sitting in the foyer when the door burst open and a streak of purple/yellow lightning blitzed up the stairs and she heard a door slam,

Walking in she saw Naruto walking into the house, "Give her a few days to herself." He said as Iris looked confused

'What happened?"

"Showed her the truth." Naruto said walking upstairs exhausted mentally

"About what?" Iris asked following him upstairs

"Me." Naruto said before he entered the room tossed his shirt and laid down,

Iris climbed onto Naruto's back and began to give him a massage, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, Iris. None of this is your fault. We still need to figure out what's going on with Nora."

"We know wha-"

"Not that. After Crisis she should've disappeared. Now either the crisis I just had to experience wasn't the one reported in the newspaper or she didn't just time travel."

"Are you saying she may be from another Earth?"

"It's possible. Sara was telling me about how she and her team had gone to an Earth where Oliver lost an arm and Diggle's son became the Green Arrow. They thought it was time travel but it was actually another Earth. I'll have to get with Gideon to do some investigating."


Naruto placed Spencer Young's phone on a table and the phone was scanned before he walked over to stand with Linda, Cisco, and Caitlin around a holotable with a 3D map of Central City, "The debris from the satellite, the shrapnel, and the man

who would become our Cicada would be found within this perimeter." Linda said as a red ring surrounded a portion of the city

"We have to scan the entire city to find the exact location, but we still don't have a satellite which we need to find Sally the satellite."

"And Thomas Snow." Cisco said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"Thomas Snow?" Naruto asked looking to Caitlin

'We hit a dead in trying to find him.'

'Wait hold up, rewind that. Your father is alive?"

"Yea." Caitlin nodded smiling

"Why am I just finding out about this, Caitlin?"

"You've been busy with Nora, and the crisis I didn't want to come between that."

'Your my wife. Something as important as this. I want to be there for you." Naruto said before a clone appeared and sped off, "Let's find your old man.'

Cisco walked over with the fake death certificate, "Earlier I had vibed this.

"I thought your powers weren't working." Linda said

"No, not fully, but this I can do." Cisco replied, before looking to Caitlin, "I saw him. I saw your dad in an office sketching something in a notebook. I couldn't quite

make out what it was."

"Did you see anything else?" Naruto asked

"Um, equations on a chalkboard." Cisco said

"We didn't have a chalkboard in our home office." Caitlin replied

"No, but tell us everything that you saw. What's on the walls, what's on the desk, what he was wearing. Leave nothing out." Linda said

"He had an ID. It was, like, a yellow logo, like a yellow state building."

"Not a state building, a university. Hudson University."

"Professor Stein." Caitlin smiled

"Let's go." Naruto clapped his hands and everyone began to leave

"Thank you." Caitlin smiled

"It's what family does for each other." Isco smiled as he fell back slightly just as his nose bled but he quickly dabbed the blood away and followed

West House

Nora sat on the couch with Cecile who was trying to put together something for the baby, as baby Jenna and Dash were upstairs asleep, "This is the life. Seriously,

I could stay here forever." Nora said kicking her feet up on the couch and sipping her oreo shake, "No worries, no schrap from mom…"

"Wait, wait, wait, what was that?" Cecile asked looking at Nora who raised an eyebrow


"Schrap?" Cecile repeated confused

"Schrap. You know, like all the nagging that mom does." Nora said looking away from Cecile not seeing the twitch in her eyebrow, "I mean, she acts like she supports me, but what she really wants is a boring, quiet daughter who just wants

to stay inside all day instead of go out

and do anything that might be the least bit dangerous."

"Nora, this is the West house. In it, every West is given respect, most especially your mother." Cecile said sternly looking at Nora who frowned, "I am sure she raised you as best she could."

"She raised me to be afraid of the world. She hid everything about dad from me, and micromanaged my entire life.' Nora said shaking her head, "I've made something of myself here, I've become a hero, you know, like dad. And we have to keep moving until everyone that needs us is safe."

"You're talking about a woman who lost the love of her life, someone she has known since before she was 10. Maybe it was just too hard for her to talk about him. Sounds to me like your mom is still doing what the members of this family have a nasty habit of doing."

'What's that?" Nora asked

"I've known your mom and dad for over a decade before I got with your grandfather. Joe, Naruto, and Iris do not like to talk about their feelings. It's becoming easier, yes, but when they suffer the pain of loss they tend to bury themselves in work or whatever it is that will take their mind off of what's bothering them."

Nora sipped her shake before she looked up when Cecile handed her a screwdriver

"I'm sorry, what is this for?"

You're going to fix this table while I go prepare some bottles for the kids. You wanted to keep moving."

"Oh, do I have to?" Nora groaned

"Yes. And for every chore you do I'll tell you one thing your Papa Joe told me about your father that didn't make it into the precious Flash museum."

"Oh, Mama Cecile, the museum has a complete record of all of Dad's accomplishments."

'As the Flash but not as Nathan Allen. And I doubt it has all of his Flash accomplishments like the time Naruto

ended up in an alternate past filled with golden giants called "Grodans."

"Wait, what? Grodans." Nora asked getting a smile from Cecile before Nora sped forward and in a blur placed the table together before sitting back on the couch

"Done. So then what happened?"

"Not done. Wait for it." Cecile said before the table fell apart and she held up the screws, "Yeah."

Cecile tossed Nora the screws and walked off as Nora groaned rubbing the back of her head like her father

Hudson University

Naruto unlocked the door to Stein's office, "So, why exactly do you have a key to Professor Stein's old office?" Caitlin asked

"I was his student, and I used to sneak in here with girls and some of my professors." Naruto said

"Of course." Caitlin scoffed before she looked around, "I wonder what he was doing in here."

"Let's find out." Cisco said walking to a chalkboard he saw all the equations and he concentrated with a vein bulging on his forehead as his face turned red

Everyone watched Cisco back away panting after a moment, "What did you see?"

"Hydrogen chains bonded over and over." Cisco said writing down the equations he saw, "Two oxygen at absolute zero. It's like it's making heavy water."

"Not heavy water. Ice." Naruto said frowning before Caitlin noticed something and walked forward

"Another one of my father's hidden messages." Caitlin said decoding the message

""Khione"?" Linda asked

"What kind of a message is "Khione"?" Cisco said

"Khione is the greek goddess of snow." Naruto said before he sped around the office and stopped with a notepad that had a drawing on it and showed it to everyone, "Guess we know what he was drawing, or rather who.'

"My father was drawing me?"

"As Killer Frost." Linda said, taking the sketch and handing it to Cisco,"That means that whatever Thomas was doing, he knew that you had powers. Also, it stands to reason that Thomas was there at the point of creation of your abilities.".

"Did I scare him away?"

"No, this wasn't your fault." Naruto and Cisco said together before Cisco continued

"Look, I don't know why he left, but it wasn't because of you, and we're gonna prove that." Cisco said before he vibed the notepad and stumbled

"You okay?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah, just lost my footing there for a second.

"What did you see?"

"You guys ever heard of Viera Chemicals?"

"Oh, it's an old chem lab out in the Barrens, but it's been shut down for years."

Naruto nodded looking at Cisco who grasped his arm

Meanwhile, Uzumaki Labs

Naruto's clone and Iris were working on a case together after an expensive necklace was stolen by a metahuman

"You know, it's been great seeing you out there again, doing what you love." The clone said

"Yeah, I guess some girls grow up wanting to be Supergirl. I always wanted to be Soledad O'Brien or Christiana Amanpour. So yeah, it's really great to reconnect."

The clone smiled before a beep was heard, "That's weird. It says the hair I found is human but it can't pull any DNA." He said before he tried to run it again,

"Where did you get this?"

"By some really weird markings at the bottom of a large gift box that I'm pretty sure was opened from the inside."

"Okay, you know you're opening all of our mail from now on, right?" Iris asked as the clone smirked


An architect was in his office looking at a model of a building he designed, "Come on, Novick. You wanna improve Gotham City's skyline, you do it with a building nobody can take their eyes off of. That's one of mine." The man said

A pair of hands slipped through the air vent

"You go with me, I'll design you a building that makes the Burj Khalifa look like a strip mall. Architecture means everything to me. I mean, you tell me. How many other architects have won the Pritzker Prize three times?...Good choice." The man smiled as he hung up and looked over out to the city when he saw a clown/porcelain doll mask wearing individual stand up behind him

Uzumaki Labs

The clone and Iris were waiting for results when he spoke, "You know you can talk to me about what's eating at you, right?" The clone said as Iris glanced at him, "I may be a clone but I'm still Naruto."

"I don't know what to do about Nora."

The clone tilted his head

"I mean, I love our daughter with all my heart, but she hates me. Because I turn my back on her. I lie to her about everything that she is, that you are. And I prevent her from living the life that she deserves. I'd hate me too."


"Just because I can protect her doesn't mean that I'm a good mom."

"This isn't like what happened with Francine." The clone said seeing Iris touch her mother's bracelet

"Isn't it? She left me and my dad kept it a secret all to protect me. And when she came back, I pushed her away. I barely had a chance to know her before she...I lost my chance to connect with my mom and… Now when I get older, Nora is

going to push me away too."

"Iris. She doesn't know you. This is still fresh to her, she will come around."

'How do you know."

"Family is an Uzumaki's main weakness. She's my daughter, she has built up this wall with the way that her Iris has treated her, you can't do anything but show her that you aren't the Iris she knows. She sees that she will come around, trust me. You're not your mom. You're not Iris from the future, other Earth whatever and you don't have to be, ever."

Iris looked at the clone before Gideon alerted the duo

"Someone has called in a bomb threat at Seaver Architects." The clone said before he sped off, and made it to skyscraper and searched the building from bottom to the top in Flash time,

Finding the bombs that just began to explode, Flash douse the flames and began to fix the damage and removed the bomb parts,

Walking into the room, Flash saw a meta squeezing between a vent before he grabbed the masked visage of the meta and snatched the man free from the ventilation system before he wrote a note for the architect and put it in his hand before untying him from the chair taking off with the meta and the bomb debris

The architect gasped as he saw a flicker of lightning as a gust of wind ruffled his office, noting he was untied and feeling something in his hand he looked down to see a note,

Nice building. -Flash

The architect smiled in relief


Peter Merkel gasped looking around as his surroundings had changed in a split second and he found himself in a cell at CCPD with meta-cuffs on, "Yo.' Flash greeted holding his mask


"So what's your gimmick, Super contortionist?"

"Call me Rag Doll."

"Catchy. The night of the Enlightenment, you were hit with a piece of the satellite?"

"Crushed, snapped, broken."

"While we were on our run I managed to find the Winehouse necklace you stole. So your going to jail for attempted murder and theft. You break out, I may not be able to break your bones but I'm pretty sure amputation will work just fine." Flash said, causing Peter to back away from the cell, as Flash watched as the smug air around Peter vanished, "See ya."

Flash sped away

Viera Chemicals

Linda, Naruto, Cisco and Caitlin entered the warehouse to see it was burned in some places, "When did this happen?"

"The night your father disappeared." Linda said

"Oh." Caitlin said

"Well, well, well. Liquid nitrogen. That's a potent accelerant. Oh, this place was lit." Naruto said

"So, all my father's work is completely gone?" Caitlin asked

"Or someone took it and set fire to the place." Linda said

"You talk to your mom?" Naruto asked putting a crate on the table with Tannhauser on it

"She told me to leave it alone." Caitlin said, shaking her head, "Listen, my mom may not be the best person, but there's no way she'd be party to something like this."

"There's one way to find out." Cisco said walking forward and placing a hand on the crate to vibe it but he began shaking and his nose began to bleed before Naruto snatched the crate from him and Cisco fell against him

"That's enough of the Mystery gang for today.'

"No. I can do it."

'Cisco, you were about to have a seizure, you've been in pain all day haven't you.' Naruto said

'I can take it." Cisco said standing up and stumbling to the table

"Why didn't you say anything?" Caitlin asked

"Because you're my friend and you needed my help."

"Okay, but I would never ask you to hurt yourself."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Cisco asked in frustration as everyone watched him, "I remember when these powers

were a curse. Seeing Thawne kill me over and over. Knowing that darkness. I didn't want that. I didn't want to be a hero. These powers were a part of me. I had to learn that. And when I did, they showed me everything. I could vibe every clue. I could breach us wherever we needed to go. I could bring my value to the team."

"You were bringing your value long before you had your powers." Naruto said placing a hand on Cisco's shoulder, "Genius engineer, prodigy hacker,

"And the mechanic who built a cold gun that could stop a speedster." Linda added

"And you're my friend. You're my friend who came out here and hurt himself today. Just to help me try and find my dad. And that wasn't vibe."

"That was Cisco, and that's the guy we need." Naruto said

Cisco nodded and everyone left the building,

Uzumaki Labs

The clone entered the lab and heard voices before he peeked into the speed lab to see Iris and Nora talking, with a picture book on Nora's lap, "Dad's always adding to it. It's so silly."

"No, it's not. It's your life. I mean, editor of the school paper by age 11. Exposing a corrupt school teacher at the age of 15. I mean, you never talk about this stuff. In the... the future, I mean. It's, um, one of your off-limits topics. I'm not allowed to ask about it." Nora said looking down as the clome frowned

"Look. Nora. I am not that person in the future. And nothing is off limits to me, okay? I'm not gonna sit behind a desk and say "no." I want you to live your life. And...I want you to be a part of mine. No secrets, no lies, just...Us being who we are today."

"Really?" Nora asked with tears in her eyes

"Yeah, really."

The two hugged before the clone heard the original and the others return before he dispelled

Naruto watched as Cisco typed on the computer as he walked up to Caitlin, "So I've been thinking, I realized that if your mom wasn't lying and Tannhauser was still somehow involved there's only one sure place somebody could hide without anyone knowing about it."

"A Tannhauser black ops site." Caitlin gasped "I mean, they've got dozens of them. They were safe houses to test

dangerous pathogens for the CDC but Mom hasn't taken a government job in years. They'd all be shut down."

"Yeah, that's why it's the best place to hide."

"Okay, so how do we find them?" Caitlin asked

"I can help with that." Cisco called causing the two to walk up, "When DeVoe took over Sally, he also launched four of his own satellites to bring about the enlightenment,but now that he's gone I took ownership of them so we have eyes and ears.

Naruto smiled with Caitlin as Cisco pointed to four monitors, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to HAL, Robbie, Data, and Colossus. They can help us in tracking the shards from the satellite?

"These babies can help with anything and everything. Well, once we figure out

which one hit Cicada, we can figure out

how he got his abilities, maybe find some

kind of a weakness." Cisco said

"We can locate your father." Naruto said to Caitlin who looked unsure before he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Whenever your ready."

"Thank you." Caitlin said kissing his cheek


Naruto stood in the backyard, "Gideon, locate Nora's home."

Inside the house the light on the smoke detector turned blue and a light shined down on Nora's sleeping body

Gideon's head appeared above Naruto's palm, "Nora's body matches the frequency of Earth 8."

"Is it destroyed?" Naruto asked

"My readings say that the planet is still there."

"If the multiverse is still there then why isn't Cisco's powers working correctly?"

"The multiverse was reborn. Lots of changes have taken place, like vibrational patterns, Cisco Ramon's powers may just need to find the correct frequency."

"Time for a trip." Naruto said before he raced forward into a blue portal,

Earth 8, Central City

A blue portal opened and Naruto raced out of it and raced through the city before finding Central City Picture News and entered, to see 60 year old Iris working on her next article,

"Happy Birthday." Naruto said causing Iris to jump and look up at him shock as he looked around her office, all of awards and accolades

"You really made something out of yourself." Naruto smiled

'Nate?" Iris asked with tears in her eyes as Naruto smiled at her before she ran into his arms,


From Jinchuriki to Speedster - Chapter 55 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.